did a part time job last friday, was to give out flyers, trying to promote a new shop~
was really fun~ we worked with everyone whom we knew ^^
it was a simple job, thank goodness, but it was so tiring while giving out flyers in heels it nearly killed me =.=
i am not a heel person i am a flats person 8D
the good thing it was only for 3 hours! and we all went to dinner together~
had free bubble tea to drink cause we were working
100% sugar with milk tea and pearls is a not must get cause it is too sweet
i drank only like uh... think 3 to 4 gulps ? then i dumoed it. felt that ut was such a waste but i could not take it anymore
ahhahaha so i dumped it =.=||
but i had another cup! chocolate milkshake with 0% sugar and 0% pearls!!!
ahaha it was delish!!! the sweetness was just right 8D
so i suggest the chocolate milkshake 8D
well if those there love very sweet stuff then i suggest you just top up the amount of sugar that you like will do~
the shop is at bugis~ just opposite Poh Kim the CD shop.
the manager so friendly 8DD
some camwhore photos before changing out of our costumes

me and pretteh twinneh!!
stand and i
gay gay selicia 8D
photo of simeon =.= was lazy to stand up lol

me and angeline~~ she sho cute omg~!! *pinches cheeks*
phoenix and i
erika baobei ~~
finally a proper photo with simeon lol
all loook so unglam, cause too tired already + makeup melting away =.=||
went for dinner at long john's silvers
jimmy came along and showed off his hakuoki box =3=
qian bian i also want! got my Saitou on the front!!!!
went to the arcade after that 8D
have free ice cream from kyon and yuki~~
ben and jerry strawberry cheesecake~~ <3<3
seal chan caught by kyon~~ kyaahh sho cute!!~
lookie lookie all of us have one 8DDD

i sho dead liao
kyon in the middle 8DD
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