i went to comic fista for the first time!
it was held at KLCC this year, and i just came back this evening at about... lets say 7pm?
we took a coach from golden mile! a 6 hour journey... was so so long! fell asleep though 8D
chair was comfy with lots of space !!!
photo of us waiting!
these images are stolen from serene teo 8DDD

a photo when i have just settled myself into the chair

trying to prepare myself for the long journey ahead~

and everyone were super excited as well!

a photo which i got in also lol!

person doing the kira pose be max and the rabbit pose be tristan lol!and a sleepy me who just woke up after a 2 hour nap lol

finally got myself out of the chair to talk to someone for the last one hour ride~
serene and i were singing old melodies! jap melodies!
Serene's voice is super powerful! she has a page on youtube~
Serene's voice is super powerful! she has a page on youtube~
the link can be found here~
http:// www.youtube.com/ Serenetxl
photo of how KLCC looks like from the lobby of our hotel~

was so tired as on friday when we reached our hotel room it was already 8.15pm and we were all so shacked and here we were still preparing for the next days event!
taking out everything from the luggage, hanging all our clothes that needs to be used, combing out wigs, curling the wigs, cutting them!
ironing our costumes as well~
of course we slacked quite a bit lol~
ironing our costumes as well~
of course we slacked quite a bit lol~
we went for dinner as well with jimmy,shinji, fariz and a few more people as well~ i cant really remember who though X:

we slept at like 2am... only having to wake up at 8 to prepare and leave to times square cause we needed to buy some last minute stuff!
selicia, kaiting and i rushed over!
they had to find white socks! and i, blue lenses!
OTL sad thing is that the blue lenses werent obvious at all!
OTL sad thing is that the blue lenses werent obvious at all!
gotta thank lawli for telling me that times square sold lenses that i wanted >< so happy!
and Dolly for getting me a pair of blue lenses as well though it was so inconvenient for you >//<
rushed back to the hotel and started doing our make up at 1230 and we had to be out by 2pm... but of course that didnt happen =3=
we were out by 245 lol~
went out and cos-ed for awhile then it started raining =.=||
i did not know whether to say if we are unlucky or not unlucky lol
a small girl started fan girling over selicia, kaiting , mikan and i as well lol
cause she loves Ao No Exorcist alot~

selicia as yukio
kaiting as Shura
mikan as shiemi
i as rin
she followed us all over the convention lol!
felt really bad towards mikan cause we didnt expect her to drop by so early in the morning!
of course there are camwhore photos after~~

gmaine so pretty right 8DDDDD
then got one person behind extra <---- yukio lol! trying to photobomb his twin! and did it really well too!
then got one person behind extra <---- yukio lol! trying to photobomb his twin! and did it really well too!
the all friendly rin jumps into the scene and snaps a surprising shot of everyone! and runs out lol!
went out to dinner with blacklash and their group ><
i cant remember all their names D8 *emos and draws circles in one corner*
but i remember their faces!!!!
we went to eat at a restaurant named Bens at KLCC shopping center
i had aglio olio spaghetti!
went back helped selicia they all on their costumes for the next day >< though i couldnt help much D8
i manage to take nice photos of Kaitings, Tifa from final fantasy 7after the event!
she is sho pretty!!! <3<3

received a very nice picture from eugene yan!!! omg i was so happy!!! it was so well taken!! 8DDD
lawli et as miku
i as rin
from the series of amayumerou
costumes wig and head dress made by lawli et~~ so preteh right !!!
i wanna learn too! i shall learn!
big big thank you to lawli et for letting me cosplay with her and for introducing so many people too me >//<

serene and i!

took these images from serene~~ and invinc managed to photobomb us! 8D
some self camwhore shots cause the lighting was good in the hotel room
went to kenny rogers in the morning to eat and went to look for motion sickness medicine at times square !!!
the food was very very delicious! for 3 people the price was 93.95 RM
which i think is cheaper then singapore by alot
did you know there was a scandolous affair between rin and vincent???!!
i have proof!

my proof so nice right 8DDD
vincent be selicia~ sho handshum!
kaiting was also nice enough to take a photo of me using her iphone~

sho nice right~
ohoh and i have to show you a very cool photo!
dun they look alike????
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