Hey all have you heard of TokiDoki cafe on the 28th May at scape level 4?
Please come down and support us!!~
Please come down and support us!!~
I went for the auditions!! Was super nervous!!
i didnt know what to do, and pronunciation was all off! OTL
wondering how i look like in the maid costume i was wearing for the audition?
minus the specs of course ^^
stole them from elaine XDXD
was wearing normal clothes at first and decided to camwhore with the specs (^^)/

was a super busy day that day~ after audition went out to meet stan stan ,bella, melissa and selicia to buy cloth. wanted to kill erika that day she die also dun want to wake up when i called her from 730am till 1pm
she called me at 130 to tell me she just woke up *bish*
told her meet me at bugis at 4. called at at 4 she just rolled out of bed *double bish*
fed up told her to meet eugene and his fren first sho she guai guai go meet while i went to meet gab, elaine, evie, chii and lawli at suntec =.=||
got lost with the directions gab gave me
went for dinner had to leave elaine and evie to go for their dinner together while we went for jam for japan XD
sho fun~~~ ahaha met so many new people there~
haad a shoot last friday for toki doki cafe~
lots of camwhore time and taking secret pics of ppl XD
lawli managed to photobomb meh lol
with hime~~
with lawli
spastic moment of hime and erika lol
tsundere hime~ she no more my uke DX
cute desho?~
embarassing moment no2!
another ps moent ><
evie looking evil for once or actually seme XD
embarrassing photo of hime lol~~
hey all i made a fanpage for myself for Tokidoki cafe~ please support >//<
its on the right hand column or click the link here~
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