Forgot to take pics of the cafe >|
So forgetful!!!! TT3TT
had to wake up so early at 8am nearly didnt want to put make up, felt like going bare faced >.<
Had to convince my dumb self to put all on! In the end i did a slip short job on it >.<
only had foundation, eyeliner, little bit of blusher (barely noticeable) and eyeliner >|
Photos taken before going for interview...
i think i look slightly different from before beacause of the make up
Do you think so??
we went for the interview and waited for like hmm... half hour for the boss! Did not mind the waiting time at all yea!!
Cause i got to sit in the cafe with nette nette!! I feel like an idiot >.< because i cant believe i forgot to take photos of the cafe DX
Saw most of the meidos there!!! so pretty!!!
i wish i was as pretty as them :O
Interview with the big boss went fine!
Just hoping that i get the job now...hopefully...need moolah XD
After nette nette and my interview we went to see all the game shops!! I think i love Funan now XD cause they have so many anime merchandises XDXD
photos taken in the train XD

Went to AMK Hub after to buy my KATE facial powder~
Thats all for now~
Please support Erika by being her Lens!!!!
Shall blog about pre orders for ValleyGirl an australian brand soon!
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