so i have finally finished my practical exams for nursing!!! and i passed omg!! finally! my teacher was giving me hell for the last week or so D: it was horrible!
finished my practical in like 10 mins today!! so i am really happy >< hopefully i got good grades for it !
so as yyou can see from the title of this blog post...its a very very long overdue post that i have yet to write ahahaha!!! over due by about 2 weeks?
so now that i finally have some time in my hands right now~ i shall just make small update on my blog! be warned!! it is filled with pictures!
Day 1 of cosfest i was cosplaying as a solo person as i could not find anyone to do with me D:
but i still had lots of fun! the perks of being solo...
1. you can run everywhere
2. you have no need to follow people around
3. meet more people
4. all the above 8D
i was cosplaying as maria~

photo by darren ~
am not too sure if anyone managed to recognise me though ><
many people say they couldnt ):

photo credits to darren~
manage to meet razrig at cosfest as well!
hur hir some more awesome photos he took of me~

hur hur so awesome right~~ he managed to take photos of me smiling!! and for once i dont look weird!!! OMG! ahaha
managed to take photo with tsugumi and shuchi!

i look so round here though D:
from left: tsugumi, shuchi , me
camwhore with elaine!

i also finally met chew yee for the first time!
he drew for me a card! for meeting me for the first time it was so cute!! didnt take a pic of it though its in my awesome box of cards 8D

met terence ho again after a very long time~
and managed to do a mini shoot with him

by terence ho
met jimmy C as well!
he did so many nice shots of meh too ! <-- thick skin

finally met my long lost twin!! mikage otouotou you disappear for so long orz!!

camwhore with pretty pertty mia and scary lawli!!!

lawli so scary DD':
met shiro too she so cuute!

do you know what made me so mad on the first day!!!! i saw max! yes max!!! mas was prettier then me !!! D:<

HE sho PRETTEH right!!! life is so unfair D:
buuu buu!!!!
met junko too~ she was such a pretteh ranka~

i has photos with my twins again!!!

with akane!

with min!!! hurhur they are sho adorable~! <3<3
i found evie too
she so chio~

i manage to find yuki! finally saw him after so many months!

was shooting half way, then i received a SMS that i got into the cure fashion walk as a finalist! yay! was happy!
cure finalist back stage
there were Elaine, Mia, Max, me, Akane , Min and a few more people!
(whose names i cant remember D:)
(whose names i cant remember D:)
we were back stage with the ACM team on day 2~ ahhh they were so nice~
Elaine as Scanty (panty and stocking)
Mia as Aqua (kingdom hearts)
Max as Ahri (LOL)
me as illumina
Akane as soushi (iu X boku SS)
min as piko (vocaloid)
my manly make up!

muahaha was at the end of day 2

photo by kirogareth

photo by chewyee

darkon lore managed to capture a photo of me on stage though~ lucky~
friends tagged me in a post on stomp =..=
i managed to find my frens and i inside~



thats all for now~ will try to do a post soon on shibuya girls next ><
went for the first meet up gathering at takashimaya on sat~
It was so nice to meet you then! <3 You look really pretty irl to 8D
ReplyDeletethank you~~ <3<3 hope to see you at next event again~