So far i has 2 guilty crown shoots~~ and i have ter to post process these photos OTL and because i was lazy i still am lazy to edit OTL,,,
i shall post up the omake shots!!!!!!
the shoot i had with max was at the helix bridge~
it was soooo warm and there were so many people!!! DD:
our mascot for the day!!!
fyuneru~~~ sho cute muhahaha
with much help from shinji~~
and when we are all tired and need an awesome break!!!! we have gongcha to keep us all alive!!! 8D
too gong cha!!! CHUU~ <3<3
and awesome pictures from nutcase~~ muahahaha

can see more from his page~
some pictures from Vaxzone!!!

picture by vax
edited by rina~

photo by vax~
post process by me
more omake shots from that day~
give me my sweets or die early!!!
had a shoot with twinneh too!!! she lent me the awesome costume that she made!!!
again we did this at MBS~
and had the all awesome gongcha~~
photo by jimmy~ can see more from these albums~
also has all these awesome photos from fariz 8DDDD
ahahah i look so innocent~~ innocent!! for once OTL
i need to do better DD:
thank you for being so patient with meh >//< for not updating for ages! i shall try to update more often from now on ><
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